Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Capital Punishment And Our Nation

The issue of capital punishment has forever torn our nation. As many plead for the undoubted necessity of it, others pity the cruelty of such an act. Looking beyond this primary disagreement, justice cannot be served until the debate on capital punishment is resolved and all states have come to agree that the death penalty is the best way to stop crime completely. Many people who are against capital punishment are only thinking of the criminal and how cruel it is for them. But, shouldn’t we think of the families that are broken apart now because of the merciless acts of these criminals? Think of Susan Smith, how she knowingly drove her car off into a lake with her two children strapped to the seats. Think of how they must have felt as the cold water started to fill the cabin of the car, and then ultimately drown them. Barbaric is exactly the word I would use to describe her actions. But yet, the jury rejected the death penalty and chose a life sentence instead. But, was it justice that she was not put to death for killing her two children? How could someone possibly let her off the hook of such a crime? They said it would be just as bad for her to be in that cell alone because of her depression, but does it justify her cutting short the lives of the two children, who had no idea of their oncoming death? If we give up our punishing a deadly criminal, then we throw our society into chaos and let the criminals freely do as they please. I would know that I was safe if anyone that tried to fatally harm me would be put to death. But in this society when someone can kill someone, get sentenced to life, get paroled and then be freed to go about and do the same crime again frankly scares me. Another thing that scares me is the fact that this country has softened up on criminals. Right now, everyone has a right to appeal their conduct even though you go against the law and is put in prison; you are supposed to be stripped of... Free Essays on Capital Punishment And Our Nation Free Essays on Capital Punishment And Our Nation The issue of capital punishment has forever torn our nation. As many plead for the undoubted necessity of it, others pity the cruelty of such an act. Looking beyond this primary disagreement, justice cannot be served until the debate on capital punishment is resolved and all states have come to agree that the death penalty is the best way to stop crime completely. Many people who are against capital punishment are only thinking of the criminal and how cruel it is for them. But, shouldn’t we think of the families that are broken apart now because of the merciless acts of these criminals? Think of Susan Smith, how she knowingly drove her car off into a lake with her two children strapped to the seats. Think of how they must have felt as the cold water started to fill the cabin of the car, and then ultimately drown them. Barbaric is exactly the word I would use to describe her actions. But yet, the jury rejected the death penalty and chose a life sentence instead. But, was it justice that she was not put to death for killing her two children? How could someone possibly let her off the hook of such a crime? They said it would be just as bad for her to be in that cell alone because of her depression, but does it justify her cutting short the lives of the two children, who had no idea of their oncoming death? If we give up our punishing a deadly criminal, then we throw our society into chaos and let the criminals freely do as they please. I would know that I was safe if anyone that tried to fatally harm me would be put to death. But in this society when someone can kill someone, get sentenced to life, get paroled and then be freed to go about and do the same crime again frankly scares me. Another thing that scares me is the fact that this country has softened up on criminals. Right now, everyone has a right to appeal their conduct even though you go against the law and is put in prison; you are supposed to be stripped of...

Friday, November 22, 2019

10 Ways to Appear Smarter Than You Are

10 Ways to Appear Smarter Than You Are We can’t all be blessed with superhuman intelligence in order to get ahead in life. But it is helpful to be at least perceived as being smart- even if that involves a little finessing around the edges. Here are 10  things you can do to seem a lot smarter. Work at these and you’ll be fooling people with your fake genius in no time.1. Debunk one thing.Pick a faddish topic or a current news story- maybe one that’s spreading like wildfire through your feed. Then pick it apart. Are the sources reliable? The quotes correct? Is it doubly corroborated by a reputable news source? Are there counter positions? Other statistics that might conflict with the conclusion of the most posted article? Remember names and numbers for this one and bring it up every time the topic comes around.2. Wear glasses.It seems very silly, but it really works. If you wear glasses, chances are people will just assume you’re smart before you even open your mouth. If you need to make a big first impression and your IQ falls a bit behind your ambition, leave the contacts at home.3. Boost your vocab.The easiest and best thing you can do to improve your intelligence aura is to actually work to expand your vocabulary. Record yourself having a conversation. Notice any filler words, like â€Å"like† or â€Å"um† or â€Å"so†? Try going on a diet, getting rid of those words and putting really nutritious new (multisyllabic!) words in their place. Try signing up for a â€Å"word of the day† mailing list and try to use that word in conversation at least once that day.4. Teach yourself stuff.General knowledge is a great indicator of smarts. Pick a few topics that interest you, and go all in- even Wikipedia will do. In addition, consider learning all about a handful of really obscure things. People are very impressed by specialists.5. Write simply.Try to be as clear and concise as possible in all your written communications. The more efficient and eff ective you are, the smarter you will seem.6. Speak well.If two people say the same thing, but one says it better- i.e. more expressively, in a firmer tone with fewer pauses and more effect- then that person is going to seem naturally smarter and more trustworthy. Practice selling what you say.7. Skip the drink.You have much less control over what you say when you are drinking. Next time you’re at a work function? Go for the sparkling water. Then dazzle everyone as they get tipsier and more tongue-tied.8. Use your middle initial.Another silly one, but hey, it seems to work. Don’t people just seem more important if they have a middle initial? Think of John F. Kennedy or Robert B. Parker or Ulysses S. Grant. If you’ve got a good one, use it to your advantage.9. Believe in yourself.This is important. People can smell insecurity. Project poise and confidence and understanding, and really know that you’re capable of doing anything that comes your way. And if yo u can’t get there, fake it ’til you make it!10. Be still.Sometimes the person on the sidelines observing when everyone else is diving in is considered the wise (and sometimes judgmental) one. Practice waiting. Listening. Thinking before you speak or act. This sort of control will boost your emotional IQ and also make your brain IQ seem a little higher to an outside eye.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Law and Ethics of Consent from Children in Medicine Essay

Law and Ethics of Consent from Children in Medicine - Essay Example In law children are those under 18 years of age. When ever providing consent for medical treatment, according to the age of the child there is a variance of treatment. The Family Reform Act of 1969 provides that, †the consent to treatment of a 16 or 17 year old is to be treated like the consent of an adult†( FRA 1969). Minors in some places are deemed incompetent and are not given the right to consent. In England, one can challenge the presumption of incompetence on the basis of proving that the minor is mature enough to understand the procedures and the outcome. However, whenever the minor is considered incompetent, the informed consent is required from the parents. This has no application to a refusal of medical treatment or to non-therapeutic procedures like organ or blood donation. For those children under 16 there is precedent in case law governing consent to treatment. The law was set out in the case of Gillick v West Norfolk and Wesbech AHA [1986] AC 112, the court held, â€Å"that if a minor has sufficient intelligence and understanding to enable him/her to understand the treatment and implications of treatment then he/ she is Gillick competent and can consent to treatment†( Gillick) The Human Rights Act 1998, which came fully into force on 2 October 2000, incorporates into UK law the bulk of the substantive rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights: of particular relevance to this area Article 2, the right to life, Article 3,m the right not to be subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment, and Article 8, the right to respect for private and family life† (HRA 1998)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Open Market Operations- How and Why They Are Conducted Term Paper

Open Market Operations- How and Why They Are Conducted - Term Paper Example During inflationary periods, there is a lot of money supply in the economy and the government needs to take drastic measures to control the money supply before the rate of inflation worsens. The securities are offered at a higher interest rate than those of private institutions which attract most investors to acquire them and relevant deductions are then made from their bank’s reserves/ accounts. This reduces the money supply in the economy as the amount of money available for consumption to the members will reduce and so will the amount of money available in commercial banks reserves for lending which means that even the lending rate will increase. When the money supply in an economy is limited, the government may decide to increase the supply by buying back part or most of its securities from the public. The government buys them back at the rates agreed during time of sale to the investor. This means that some money will be deposited in the respective investors’ accou nts which will increase their disposable incomes and subsequently their spending. This will also increase the cash reserves of commercial banks hence they can lend money to the general public at lower rates. Open Market Operations – how and why they are conducted Marketing is something which must be performed in the right way possible in order to promote increased sale of a product. This should incorporate all components of a marketing plan and functions in addition. The marketing plan in that manner becomes the central application, which has the competency to improve the sales of a product in the global perspective. The marketing of a product largely relies on the marketing plan established in any given organization. Open markets operations are the principle tool of U.S monetary policy in which central banks buy and sell bonds and securities. The principle has been in use for several years and it functions to maintain reserve balances. It is worth noting that the United Stat es employs open market operations through the Federal Reserve Bank. There are several activities, which are conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank in order to make such operations worth running. However, this is a paper that critically explores open markets operations in terms of how and why they are conducted. It is worth noting that a critical review of the area under discussion is performed from a broad point of view. The Federal Reserve System was established in 1913 when the congress passed the Federal Reserve act. Although it is independent of the government, it is accountable to the congress because the congress can amend the Federal Reserve act when necessary. The Fed is called a "decentralized" central bank. By manipulating reserve balances the Federal Reserve can control the price of reserves in the market. The theory of open markets operations is quite simple; the fed buys securities when it wants to increase the flow of money and credit, and sells securities when it wants to reduce the flow of money and credit (Harvey 4). What they designate as their target interest rate speaks for what they are trying to fight. If they lower the interest rate they are fighting recession. If they raise the interest rate they are fighting inflation. The fed can choose from among many financial instruments to conduct open market operations: corporate bonds, corporate stocks, commercial paper, etc. it uses treasury

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Essay Example for Free

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Essay (1)The first thing I would do if I found out I was going to be evacuated from my home is start crying. Knowing that I will be separated from humanity I will also begin to become crazy, knowing what happens too all these people at the camps families suffering and loosing each other by being separated and killed will destroy me. The last hours I have at home I will pack few of my clothes, toothbrush, money, weapons and a journal not a diary because IM A MAN! Why would I pick to bring a journal instead of everything else I might poses you might be thinking is because since I am a man I probably will stay alive and get to write about my daily struggles I will be having in the internment camp. I would be forced to leave behind my phone, my computer, and mostly all my electronics because I wouldn’t want to risk being tracked. My list reveals that I’m going to be weak without all my things that I live on daily this evacuation will change my whole life and family. I actually don’t believe the Japanese Internment compares to the Holocaust, even though everyone has their right to their own opinions I don’t believe they compare. Because so many more Jews were killed during the Holocaust then Japanese being killed in the camps and no offense but the treatment the Jews were given from the Germans were way harsher than the U.S to the Japs. The Japanese had less camps and were given better treatment like food they were sent to these camps so the U.S. could view them and make sure that they weren’t spies. The Jew were sent to the camps and instantly put to work given numbers to represent when they were next to be killed.   Both sides of the internment were one U.S. getting involved was a good idea or a bad one. The United States putting most Japanese into internment camps can be seen as a bad idea because American is known for the Land of the Free. The U.S. putting most Japanese people into camps is definetley unconstitutional it makes people question is America really the Land of the Free? Obviously we know as we read America was just trying to be safe at this time, because in 1942 Roosevelt signs a Relocation in the United States because they believed that the Japanese were a threat to America. We were fighting against them at this time and they just didn’t want threats because they did believe that even though they came to America they still are going  to give information to Japan. That’s why in the book we saw Keikos former teacher be taken away by the â€Å"FBI† because they believed he was a spy. They still got an education, made a low salary and were given food in these camps it wasn’t like they were being slaves. I believe it was a good idea for America to get involved I think they did it smartly too they gave the Japanese camps where they would stay at and have their life I know you’re going to write but it’s not the same they are being forced to move but at this time they were being accused of being spies and doing bad things. Some people also just moved to America and where put into a camp where they can get a place to live, money and food instead of living on the street. It’s also only Japanese people so you’re with your kind. I guess I’m using a Jewish point of view because in our religion we are supposed to only marry Jewish people so I see this as a good thing being together as a race, but also we learn from our past.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

John Locke :: Empiricists, Empiricism

In Chapter five Locke says, that the earth can be used by the people for their survival, protection, or anyway in which they could benefit from it. This is where I got a little confused. So then if everything on the earth belongs to everyone then what is individual property? I read it over and over and I’m not sure if I have the right answer but I’ll try. Everyone owns there own body, and all the work they do they do with their body. When a person works with their body on something that thing becomes their own because they did the work. And he also says that there is some sort of limit that people can’t take more than they can use. He uses acorns or other fruits as an example and says, â€Å"But how far has he given it us? To enjoy. As much as any one can make use of to any advantage of life before it spoils, so much he may by his labour fix a property in: whatever is beyond this, is more than his share, and belongs to others.† (Locke 20-21) He later says that if someone has too many fruits he could trade them for money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I agree that everyone should use the earth to his or her advantage but not when it comes to endangering someone else or taking away something that someone needs more than you do. I agree that if you work with fruit trees that it is your right to eat those apples and that you should only take as many as needed. But that isn’t the case in society today. Let’s face it people are greedy and greed is something that has destroyed the world we live in. If there wasn’t any greed there wouldn’t be any murder cases or any kidnappings or robberies, etc, the list can go on and on. Another example is college acceptance. All students work for the same hope, to get accepted to a good college and hopefully gain a job that will best fulfill their needs. Say we have two identical students both scored a 1500 on their SATs and they where equally involved in their school. The only difference was that one student came from a wealthy family and the other stud ents came from a not so wealthy family. They both applied to Princeton. The outcome is that the student from the wealthy family gets enrolled as a freshman in the fall, and the other student is placed on the waiting list.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sample of Resume

ALVIN B. PAILAN Address: BRGY,. Cabanbanan, Pagsanjan Laguna Mobile No. : 0909-4245-651 Email: [email  protected] com OBJECTIVES: To obtain a position that will best fit my qualification and develop further my ability and skills for a Continues career development. WORK EXPERIENCE Employer: ASIAPRO COOP. , Project: MANILA DOCTORS HOSPITAL Address: UN Avenue Ermita Manila Position: Plumber Maintenance Inclusive Date: November 3, 2008 to PresentJob description:-Responsible for maintaining of submersible, motor pump and installation of piping -repair plumbing works lavatory faucet, water closet -repair and installation of water supply -responsible preventive maintenance of vacuum pump and drinking fountain -monitoring of fire pump -responsible for cleaning of water tank and cistern tank – de-clogged sewer line and sanitary line – cleaning grease trap Company: INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL MANILA Employer: ENJAYS HOTEL (HOLIDAY INN) Position: SHIFT PLUMBERInclusive Date: Septembe r 1999 – July 2004 Job Description: -Maintaining of fan coil unit -Repair kitchen equipment -Monitoring of submersible pump -Back washing of swimming pool filter -Repair plumbing works lavatory faucet, water closet -Welding and acetylene copper pipe -De Clogged all drain line -Corrective maintenance of plumbing work Company: KAPALARAN BUS LINE Address: PAGSAWITAN STA CRUZ LAGUNA Position: AUTO AIRCON MECHANIC Inclusive Date: May 1994 – September 1998 Job Description: -Welding and acetylene copper Pipe -charging Freon -Vacuuming Trouble shooting and repair air-condition Company:SANMIGUEL FOOD CORPORATION Address:Cabuyao Laguna Position:Sales Representative Inclusive Date:September 1998 – October 1999 Job Description:-Delivery of all items magnolia foods -Receiving product Seminar Attended: -Basic Safety Course The maritime training center of the Philippines 3rd floor G. E. Antonio bldg,. TM Kalaw St. Ermita Manila February 15, 2002 -Medical Gas Safety Training,. (CIGI) Manila Doctors Hospital January 13, 2010 -INGASCO INC. , Product knowledge and Safe gas handling Seminar Manila Doctors Hospital April 21, 2010 -DCDC AerocomEngineering training Manila Doctors Hospital September 16, 2010 -Pacific paint (Boysen) Philippines INC,. Boysen Painting Seminar Manila Doctors Hospital March 30, 2011 -Basic Life Support Course (Lay Rescuer) Manila Doctors Hospital August 12, 2011 EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Tertiary Education: LAGUNA SCHOOL OF ARTS AND TRADE Address: BRGY. ,BUBUKAL,STA. CRUZ LAGUNA Course:Refrigeration and air-conditioning Technology YEAR GRADUATED: 1992 – 1994 Secondary Education: LAGUNA SCHOOL OF ARTS AND TRADE Address: BRGY. ,BUBUKAL,STA. CRUZ LAGUNA Year Graduated:1988 – 1992 Primary Education: UNSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOLAddress: BRGY. , CABANBANAN PAGSANJAN LAGUNA Year Graduated: 1982 -1988 SPECIAL SKILLS:Acetylene / gas welding -Plumbing works – Refrigeration and air-conditioning -Installation of piping PERSONAL DATA Date of Birth:October 16, 1975 Birth Place: Pagsanjan Laguna Civil Status: Married Religion: Roman Catholic Nationality: Filipino Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 lbs. Dialects: English / Filipino Fathers name: Bienvinido pailan Occupation: Driver Mothers name: Avelina Baltera Occupation: Sewer â€Å"I hereby certify that all the information above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief’’

Saturday, November 9, 2019

“Bless Me, Ultima”: The Role of Parents Essay

The novel â€Å"Bless Me, Ultima† by Rudolfo Anaya shows the complexity and changeability of human nature and destiny. The author reveals that in the process of maturation and development every person is being influenced by parents, friends and acquaintances. Anaya tells a story of a young boy Antonio who is troubled of uncertainty of his destiny and parents’ influence on his life. Gabriel and Maria Merez are Antonio’s parents, but they have conflicting views towards the future of his child. Therefore, it is very difficult for Antonio to accept either mother’s or father’s belief system. Antonio’s mother is very religious and she is devoted to Catholic Church. She teaches Antonio to follow God’s commandments, as well as to accept values and beliefs of the church. Moreover, she wants her son to become a priest following her Luna family traditions. Maria thinks that it is a sin to grow and she doesn’t want Antonio to choose his own destiny. But the heart prevails and â€Å"the tragic consequences of life can be overcome by the magical strength that resides in the human heart†. (p.34) Antonio’s father is rather important for his spiritual growth. Despite the fact that he wants his son to become Llano vaquero, he wants Antonio to feel independence and freedom. From the first glance Gabriel seems a common drunkard, but with the novel progression we see the depth and dignity of his relations with Llano. Antonio inherited father’s inquisitive and questionable mind. When one of the villagers dies Antonio asks: â€Å"God! Why did Lupito die? Why do you allow the evil of the Trementinas? Why did you allow Narciso to be murdered when he was doing good? A thousand questions pushed through my mind, but the Voice within me did not answer†. (p.23) Maria forces Antonio to follow her family traditions, whereas Gabriel wants him to choose the life of vaquero only if he wants. He doesn’t want Antonio to be in a state of regret as he is. In such a way, Gabriel is the first person who teaches Antonio to make his own decisions about the future. Works Cited Anaya, Rudolfo. Bless Me, Ultima. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 1994.   

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Qué hacer en cita migratoria cuando no se habla inglés

Quà © hacer en cita migratoria cuando no se habla inglà ©s Si no se siente cà ³modo hablando en inglà ©s y tiene que realizar alguna gestià ³n migratoria en ese idioma o presentarse a una entrevista o vista no se preocupe, ya que existen soluciones sencillas segà ºn el caso. Este artà ­culo trata de cà ³mo resolver el problema del poco conocimiento de inglà ©s que puede surgir en  cuatro situaciones: traduccià ³n de documentos al inglà ©scitacià ³n ante el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s)citacià ³n para una Corte migratoriay cita para entrevista en un consulado o Embajada de los Estados Unidos en otro paà ­s. Cà ³mo traducir un documento al inglà ©s para el USCIS o un consulado Excepto en los casos muy concretos en los que se pide una traduccià ³n realizada por un traductor jurado y/o notarizada es suficiente una traduccià ³n certificada.   Esto quiere decir que es buena una realizada por cualquier persona que habla y escribe con fluidez el inglà ©s y el idioma del que traduce, generalmente el espaà ±ol. Este es un modelo de carta que se puede seguir para certificar dicha traduccià ³n. Esto es importante porque puede facilitar importante ahorro de dinero. Cita en una oficina del USCIS cuando no se habla bien inglà ©s Son muchos los ejemplos en los que el USICS puede citar para una entrevista. Como por ejemplo: Residencia permanente definitiva o condicional, en este caso por razà ³n de matrimonio.Entrevista por caso de  AsiloExamen para adquirir la ciudadanà ­a americana por naturalizacià ³n en los casos muy concretos en los que al solicitante se le permite rendir el examen en su idioma materno y no en inglà ©s, etc En estos casos, aunque puede que el oficial a cargo de un caso sea bilingà ¼e, eso no tiene que ser necesariamente asà ­. El USCIS no proporciona intà ©rpretes para traducir del espaà ±ol al inglà ©s y viceversa. Por esta razà ³n si se ha sido citado y no se siente cà ³modo hablando en inglà ©s, usted puede llevar a un intà ©rprete para que traduzca las preguntas y tambià ©n sus respuestas. El USCIS permite realizar la labor de intà ©rprete para las entrevistas a: Un familiar o amigo del entrevistado siempre que tenga  un conocimiento alto en los dos idiomas.Un traductor profesional. Los hay incluso con la especialidad de asistir a ese tipo de entrevistas a los que, là ³gicamente, hay que pagar por sus servicios profesionales. Lo ms conveniente es que el traductor sea un ciudadano americano o un residente permanente legal, y no un amigo que est en Estados Unidos temporalmente con una visa de turista, por ejemplo. Ya que en estos casos es posible que el oficial de inmigracià ³n decida que no lo acepta como intà ©rprete. Asimismo, los inmigrantes indocumentados deben abstenerse de pisar voluntariamente un edificio federal, particularmente los de inmigracià ³n, ya que pueden ser detenidos. Por lo tanto, no es conveniente que brinden sus servicios de traductor a un familiar o amigo. Adems,   otro requisito es que la persona que ha de traducir del inglà ©s al espaà ±ol y viceversa tiene que tener como mà ­nimo los 18 aà ±os de edad cumplidos. Por à ºltimo, tener en cuenta que aunque no hay una regla definitiva sobre el asunto, lo cierto es que en los casos de entrevistas a matrimonios el oficial de inmigracià ³n puede no permitir que un esposo bilingà ¼e traduzca para el que no habla inglà ©s. La razà ³n es que harà ­a ms difà ­cil detectar si se trata de un matrimonio de conveniencia. Cuando se tiene una cita en una Corte de Inmigracià ³n En este caso, la Corte sà ­ que brinda un servicio gratuito de intà ©rpretes. Es posible que la persona que va a realizar este servicio està © presente en la sala o, muy probablemente, està © en otra parte y la comunicacià ³n se tenga que realizar por telà ©fono. Por el contrario, las cortes migratorias no facilitan la presencia de abogados de oficio para defender a los migrantes. Son estos los que deben procurarse uno o defenderse a sà ­ mismos, quedando claro que las estadà ­sticas demuestran que hay una gran diferencia en resultados siendo mejores cuando los migrantes son representados por abogados. Cuando se est detenido o arrestado por autoridades migratorias Es muy importante no firmar ningà ºn documento que no se entienda. Este es un derecho de todas las personas, incluidos los migrantes indocumentados. Si hay algo que no se entiende, solicitar un abogado.   Entrevista en consulados y embajadas No es necesario llevar traductor ni a las entrevistas para solicitar visas no inmigrante como a las de visas de inmigrante. La razà ³n es que todos  los consulados y Embajadas de los Estados Unidos cuentan con trabajadores bilingà ¼es. En resumen, la falta de conocimiento de inglà ©s se puede arreglar de las formas explicadas en este artà ­culo. Este artà ­culo es sà ³lo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tap Water in 42 States Contaminated by Chemicals

Tap Water in 42 States Contaminated by Chemicals Public water supplies in 42 U.S. states are contaminated with 141 unregulated chemicals for which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has never established safety standards, according to an investigation by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Tainted Tap Water Used by Millions of Americans Another 119 regulated chemicals- a total of 260 contaminants altogether- were found by the environmental group in a two-and-a-half-year analysis of more than 22 million tap water quality tests. The tests, which are required under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, were conducted at nearly 40,000 utilities that supply water to 231 million people. Pollution Threatens Tap Water Quality According to a report by the EWG, the top 10 states with the most contaminants in their drinking water were California, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, New York, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Illinois- in that order. EWG said the biggest sources of contaminants were agriculture, industry, and pollution from sprawl and urban runoff. Utilities Need More Enforceable Standards for Tap Water EWGs analysis also found that almost all U.S. water utilities comply fully with enforceable health standards once they are developed. The problem, according to the environmental group, is the EPAs failure to establish enforceable health standards and monitoring requirements for many tap water contaminants. Our analysis clearly demonstrates the need for greater protection of the nations tap water supplies, and for increased health protections from a number of pollutants that are commonly found but currently unregulated. said Jane Houlihan, vice president for science at EWG, in a prepared statement. Utilities routinely go beyond what is required to protect consumers from these contaminants, but they need more money for testing, and for protection of vital source waters. Additional Information: Why Is Chlorine Added to Tap Water?Does Fluoride in Tap Water Improve or Harm Your Health?

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Modern Electronics and Personal Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Modern Electronics and Personal Privacy - Essay Example Growing Influence of social media: The number of people using the social media has increased significantly during this decade. Facebook remains the leader with over 400 million users (Widerlund, 2010). With the increasing number of people in this media, the traffic volume on these sites has also increased. Now, the question remains, how private is our private information on these sites? All the networking sites on the internet require users to share their personal details ensuring that their information would be kept safe. However, with this assurance comes the condition that the information can be shared for the security purposes. This means that every individual that uses these sites is being watched by the security agencies every time. In addition, the information is vulnerable to be hacked and misused. According to Consumer reports magazine 2010, one fourth of the Facebook users are not aware of the site’s privacy policy, and 9 percent of them reported forms of online expl oitation, the major one being, identity theft (Widerlund, 2010). ... It is a definite worrying point. People are of the view that popular networking sites such as Facebook earn their major chunk of revenue from marketing companies and, thus, sharing the users’ personal information with these companies is vital for them (Gaudin, 2010). Nevertheless, how right is this practice? Moreover, how long can this continue? This shall be discussed after every variable is taken into consideration. Although, the sites defend themselves by stating that the users are not reporting much issues and that the criticism is instigated by the competitors. In addition, that people are aware of the fact that when they come online, they do not expect their information to be 100 percent private. Moreover, these sites urge users to be active and smart in using these applications (Veer, 2011). Thus, the response of the social media is that they blame the propaganda and also the assumption of consumer awareness is taken as established. Still, questions need to be answered about the privacy in the chat messages, which are out of user control after they have been sent. No matter how much aware a user is, it is impossible to accept the fact that we cannot control our own personal space. Cell phones and privacy: When the question comes that if we would use a device, which can be carried along where ever we go, and which can be used to communicate in any way possible, our answer would rationally be, yes. But if it is further said that the device can also be used to track not only where we are, but also whatever we do and whoever we communicate with and however we communicate, the answer will be subjected to reservations. Well, to inform the readers, the device in question is none other than the cell